PR 1 – Project Results

Course / curriculum – Design and development

The main sequence of the work will be:

Companies needs analysis (survey) => GAP <= Current curricula GAP Analysis + Focus group + Interviews => Digital Marketing Curricula

The questions asked in the survey will cover:

  • the Company´s business environment; the Role of digital business;
  • Digital channels and tools used;
  • Challenges in their utilization;
  • Staff & knowledge aspects;
  • Future views.

Precising companies’ needs, allows to compare such information with the subjects that are currently taught in higher education courses and thus identify the existing gap and, therefore, introduce new subjects, update others and, eventually, reduce the importance of some. As complementation, it is necessary that other stakeholders should be called to give their opinion on the relevance of the Digital Marketing content that should be taught, namely alumni and other digital marketing professionals. These two groups will be able to give their opinion on the curricular gaps of their respective courses and the eventual difficulties arising from these gaps, in the exercise of their professional activity. Alumni and other digital marketing professionals will be interviewed in-depth.


Phases and work division: Lead partner: P.Porto

Survey elaboration

1. Survey elaboration, based on the information obtained from digital marketing practitioners (companies), professors, members of the project team and alumni, allowing a very sound triangulation of sources. On the other hand, from the supply side, we will analyze marketing courses programmes directed to HEI level, and more specifically digital marketing courses, to know what its already offered in the market. The survey aims to find out the roles, responsibilities, skills required and activities to be performed (SEO, SEM, Analytics, Email, Digital Advertising, etc.). P. Porto prepares, HU, GT, TUAS comment.

Sample setting and sampling

2. Sample setting and sampling. To define the sample of companies to whom the survey will be sent, European and national databases will be used, from each of the project’s member countries. The Galileo database, which contains all European Union companies, will be used, allowing the selection of SMEs from the four countries under study. The data collection will take two months and will run between January and February 2021. All partners gather 200> responses.

Data analysis

3. Data analysis will identify and confirm the needs, skills and competencies required by SMEs (GAP). P.Porto

Focus groups and interviews with professors

4. Focus groups and interviews with professors will reveal the subjects, topics and theories that must be integrated into digital marketing curricula based on the needs, skills and competencies identified in the data analysis. Conducted by P.Porto, TUAS, HU.

Development of curricular

5. Development of curricular plans for different levels of education, different objectives, skills, institutions, and needs. The task of a limited group of experts from P.Porto, GT, TUAS, HU


6. A complete and detailed report will be produced showing several digital marketing curricula, based on criteria such as course length, level of education and type of institution (course objective). (P.Porto)

Report presentation to stakeholders

7. Report presentation to stakeholders. All partners (Multiplier event)


8. To build a website with information about: (P.Porto) a) Survey results (‘Digital marketing skills in European SMEs’) Curriculum plans for different institutions, duration, objectives, needs and skills. b) Modules and disciplines necessary to acquire these competencies, to make up for the needs and achieve these objectives. c) Underlying classical theories, concepts and learning methods (e.g. Innopedagogy) that are necessary for curriculum plans.

PR 1

Digital Marketing Current Curricula

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Data Analysis

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Focus Group

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Transversal Digital Marketing Curricula

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