Where did you get it and where will you get it?

Anyone working in digital marketing knows that continuous training is a must. Only those who keep their knowledge current and their skills useful are recognized and valued by the market. The DEMS team, when conducting its market research through a questionnaire, decided to find out what the respondents’ sources of learning were and what their sources of learning will be in the future. The data are presented in the figure by means of a Sankey chart.

  • It turns out that the sources of digital marketing trainings will differ for the respondents, where they got the knowledge and where they will get the knowledge.
  • In-company training will lose its preponderance to online training, noting that more than 46% of respondents will use this alternative as a source of training.
  • The chart reveals the dramatic drop in intentions to use recognized formal studies such as university and similar institutions, from 34% to only 4%.
  • In-company training will continue to have significant representation, ranking number two as a source of training.
  • A significant portion of the respondents who used paid-training will continue to favor this type of training.

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